ATI’s advisory groups convene for annual event
The ATI welcomed members of its six advisory groups to an annual in-person event in London on Wednesday where the Destination Zero technology roadmaps took centre stage.
The advisory groups are made up of representatives from across the aerospace sector including academia, large organisations, government, SMEs, start-ups and RTOs who provide industry insight and steer priorities on a voluntary basis.
Each year, the in-person event in January brings the advisory groups together to review progress on objectives and align on priorities for the coming year as well as providing key time for networking across the groups.
This year’s event opened with presentations from each of the advisory groups before a workshop session on priorities for 2025. Themes including supply chain readiness, thermal management, modelling capability, AI and digital threads, Non-CO2 emissions and others were raised as opportunities for focus in 2025.
ATI CTO Jackie Castle provided an update from the executive management team before Laura Cuss, Programme Director of the Hydrogen Capability Network shared the latest from the project, including highlights from the successful Cryogenic Hydrogen Research Conference held a week earlier.
The afternoon session also included a presentation on Horizon Europe funding opportunities from Louise Mothersole, Horizon Europe UK National Contact Point for Mobility. This included Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking’s call opening in March inviting proposals to support technologies aligning the aircraft concepts described in the Strategic Research Initiative Agenda (SRIA) and a new initiative for disruptive technologies: the Fast Track Areas (FTAs).
Calls for proposals are also forthcoming from SESAR Joint Undertaking and Clean Hydrogen programme, all of which UK organisations can submit proposals to with the UK now an Associated Country (AC).
The final workshop of the day took a deep dive into the UK technology strategy roadmaps to assess progress since publication of Destination Zero in 2022 and consider the latest developments in the technology brick areas as well as those not reflected. This ATI technology strategy provides direction for the UK sector to target the technology development necessary for future sustainable aircraft and areas for which funding is available via the ATI Programme.
To discover more about the ATI’s Advisory Groups, please visit our webpage.