Contribute to Additive Manufacturing strategy for UK aerospace
21 November, 2023 9:00 am
Industry invited to join event to contribute to Additive Manufacturing strategy for UK aerospace
The Aerospace Technology Institute (ATI) is inviting members of the Additive Manufacturing community to contribute to an updated Additive Manufacturing (AM) strategy for UK aerospace. Organisations with expertise in AM are invited to a road-mapping event at the Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC) in Coventry on 21st November 2023 from 9am to 12pm.
As the independent organisation responsible for developing the UK aerospace technology strategy and delivering funding programmes to realise this, the ATI seeks the engagement of industry for expert input in the development of its roadmaps.
This event will focus on the pace of AM adoption within the civil and defence aerospace supply chain. The challenges and opportunities identified will inform the ATI’s AM roadmap to be published in 2024. This activity is being conducted in partnership with The MTC through its role as The National Centre for AM in the UK.
Additive Manufacturing has emerged as a crucial technology for the UK aerospace sector, offering opportunities for near-net shape manufacturing and future component design. It was highlighted as key to delivering Net Zero 2050 in the UK technology strategy Destination Zero, published by the ATI in April 2022. Alongside other advanced manufacturing capabilities, AM can support the competitiveness of the UK industry in sustainable design, manufacture, assembly, and operations of future aircraft.
Over nearly ten years since the inception of the ATI programme, over £100 million of government and industry investment has unlocked additive manufacturing capability and delivered world-class national infrastructure. Now, industry is increasingly aiming to develop AM capability to the point of being an industrialised technology delivering safety critical aerospace parts at a competitive rate.
Wider engagement to inform the updated AM strategy for aerospace includes the establishment of Aerospace focused AM Communities of Practice (DED, MPBF, Supply Chain, Digital), key stakeholder in-depth interviews and AM aerospace supply chain workshops.
If you cannot attend the event but would like to contribute, please email to with the subject line “ATI Aerospace AM Supply Chain Questionnaire” to receive a digital form containing the workshop event questions.
In person
21 November, 2023 9:00 am
21 November, 2023 12:00 pm
The Organiser