ATI Programme update
A joint statement on the ATI Programme from the Aerospace Technology Institute, the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy, and Innovate UK.
Demand for ATI Programme funding is high and has been increasing. In the past, we have sought to commit to as much activity as possible while leaving budget headroom to start new projects each year. However, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has changed this. R&D activity due in FY2020/21 has been delayed and is now forecast to take place in FY2021/22. Our latest spending forecasts, generated from the live portfolio of 175 projects, shows that we have no scope to commit to new projects this financial year. To manage this, we will suspend new applications to the Programme, including expressions of interest. We will review forecast spend each month to test when we can re-open the Programme for new applications. Based on the latest data we do not think this will happen until the start of FY2022/23.
The ATI Programme will still spend £150m of R&D funding, matched by industry, on live projects in FY2021/22. This innovation will help the sector build back stronger and greener. Projects with existing grant agreements, or those going through the grant award process will not be affected nor will plans for NATEP or R&D Funding for Smaller Business competitions. The ATI will remain open and active, reviewing the UK’s aerospace technology strategy, running FlyZero and consulting with industry on potential future projects.
All current or potential applicants are encouraged to contact the ATI to discuss their research plans and seek support. The ATI has unparalleled connections across the sector and is available to support businesses seeking to develop their ideas and technology in the UK.
We know this will be disappointing news and it is not a decision we have taken lightly; however we think it is the only way to manage within the resources allocated. The aerospace sector and its aviation customers are being supported by almost £11billion loan guarantees, support for exporters, the Bank of England’s Covid Corporate Financing Facility and grants for research and development.
For further details and what this means for current applications, please refer to the FAQs.
We will provide updates on the status of the Programme via this website. In the meantime, we value your feedback, which can be provided via our contact page.