ATI comms • 28.09.20 • 1 min read

Changes to funding rates for ATI Programme

The 50:50 matched funding policy for Industrial Research applications to the ATI Programme will be suspended from 1st October.

From 1st October 2020 we will suspend the 50:50 matched funding policy for new Industrial Research applications to the ATI Programme.  Instead, all project partners can claim the funding rates for industrial research defined in the State Aid Regulations.

We recognise the difficulties facing the sector now and want to provide additional support so that vital R&D work continues. These rates will be available for one year and will cover the life of the projects who successfully apply during this period. Following a review, we may extend the period these rates are available for an additional year.

This change will also apply to the NATEP Autumn 2020 and Spring 2021 calls and the ATI Programme: R&D Funding for Smaller Businesses 2020 call.

A Q&A on the changes, including details on the new rates, is available here. <LINK>