Nour is the Head of Strategy & Commercial for the ATI’s Hydrogen Capability Network. Find out more about the Hydrogen Capability Network here.
Previously, Nour was the Senior Innovation Manager at the ATI and coordinated the Institute’s innovation strategy. Nour’s work focused around how best to support startups and innovators bring novel technologies to the UK aerospace sector. Nour has previously been the programme lead on the ATI Boeing Accelerator programme. Since joining the ATI, Nour has developed key strategies around advancing the use of additive manufacturing and near net shape manufacturing in aerospace. Nour authored the aerostructures technology strategy and is one of the co-authors of Airspace 2050: Three Futures.
Nour graduated from Imperial College London with a first-class MEng in Aeronautical Engineering. Before joining the ATI, Nour was technical lead in the weight estimation and control team at Airbus in Filton. Nour was responsible for the evolving wing weight of the A350 and liaised with international suppliers to manage and challenge changes to their work packages. Nour also led weight-saving campaigns for future aircraft variants and performance improvement programmes. He was seconded to Toulouse, where he worked alongside the A350 final assembly line. Nour was also seconded to British Airways’ engineering team at London Heathrow.
As well as Nour’s love for engineering, he has a passion for all things musical. Nour has previously sung in several choirs and has performed in many prestigious venues such as the Royal Albert Hall and Ashton Court Stadium in Bristol. When Nour is not working, you can find him DJ-ing around London or learning how to produce his own music.
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