The road to Farnborough
What a fabulous and sunny Easter break! I don’t know about you, but I spent it outside on the golf course or in the garden (one slightly more successful than the other). I’m now coming back to work refocused, refreshed and raring to go. Which is good as ATI has a jam-packed Spring-Summer schedule to look forward to.
On 26th April ATI is launching the UK Aerospace Sector Technology Strategy – Destination Zero. This strategy sets out the technology journey to 2050 and what our sector can do to maximise UK competitiveness whilst striving for the 2050 net zero carbon target. Publishing this strategy is one of ATI’s key objectives and we will be hosting a webinar on the day to take you through our technology roadmaps and discuss the implications of the strategy. You can register here to attend the webinar and watch out for more detail on our website and social media.
May kicks off with the start of our series of roadshows around the UK in partnership with the regional aerospace associations and ADS Scotland and Northern Ireland. We are heading to the Devolved Administrations, Midlands, North West, and South of England over a 6 week period to talk directly to you about the technology strategy, the FlyZero reports, the programme restart and our wider offerings beyond the programme. We are also to hear from you about the challenges you are facing and opportunities you can see on the horizon.
If you can’t make it to a roadshow, then we are also holding a virtual conference on 9th June which will be looking at the practical challenges of scaling up SAFs as well as looking forward to ICAO in the early autumn. This virtual conference has been set up due to the postponement of our in-person conference in March and there should be some lively debate from a number of key industry players. You can register for this free event here.
And if that wasn’t enough, in July we will of course be at Farnborough International Airshow with a technology showcase bringing our strategy to life. We are planning a number of exciting events which I will tell you about nearer the time.
Hopefully, I’ll see you out on the road or at one of our upcoming events. I’m looking forward to a busy 3 months and then it will be time for another holiday!